A History of the YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula

 In PVF News

For the past 70+ years, the YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula has been focused on the elimination of racism and the empowerment of women. Located in Palo Alto, California at 4161 Alma Street for many years, it was created to meet the current and future needs of women and children.

As we reflect on our work over the years, we know that we have changed many lives, but our work is not done. Attached is the link to a video of the history of the YWCA – its unique programs, advocacy efforts, and personal stories from its past leadership and continuing journey on the path towards the elimination of racism and the empowerment of women.

Kay Philips, the phenomenal local leader who brought an extraordinary group of women together to volunteer and provide leadership for the programs and services, is featured in the video. Kay has over 50 years of YWCA service spanning the National Board and Global Initiatives, and served for 22 years as the Executive Director of the YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula. She is a founding and active member of the Donor Advised Fund.

Antoinette Battiste, founding YWCA Donor Advised Fund Board Member and three time Board President, is the moderator to capture these amazing stories. Antoinette is the Founder of Educational Pathways with Antoinette Battiste and has been active with the YWCA for over 35 years.

We thank all who have walked the path in the past and to others who might find new ideas for their work. Please enjoy the video and feel free to share with others.

Until Justice- Just Is.

Grace Wilbur, President, and the members of the YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund: Antoinette Battiste, Marcie Brown, Chayla Cummings-Ricks, Juanita Gonzales, Tina Herrera, Melissa Luke, Erin O’Toole, Kay Philips, Laura Prentiss, Patricia Sanders, Joann Wong.

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