Curiosity Sparks Outside the Classroom
Are you a Title 1 public school teacher for grades TK-12 in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, or San Francisco counties? If so, you may be eligible for an Excursion Grant here at PVF!
These grants of up to $1,000 are available to fund 1-day classroom excursions and funds can cover the cost of transportation, admission fees and food.
Need some ideas? Recent Excursion Grants have funded field trips to the Chabot Space and Science Center for 5th Graders, Museum of the African Diaspora and the Chinese News Station KTSF in Brisbane for 7th Graders.

Below is a report from Bayside Academy whose 6th grade students were able to visit the California Academy of Science! This grant program enabled them to pay for the cost of transportation, which is often the main barrier for providing field trips, and 192 students had the opportunity to get out of the classroom and participate in hands-on learning.
We wanted to write and express our heart-felt gratitude for the grant you awarded our school. Bayside Academy 6th graders were able to have an amazing field trip to the Cal Academy of Science in San Francisco earlier this month. We are so appreciative of your generosity.
Many of our students are growing up with difficult circumstances and many would not have the opportunity to have an experience like this outside of school. The joy on their faces, the curiosity sparked, and the laughter and fun of a once-in-a-lifetime shared experience are things we will never forget getting to witness in our students.
We are attaching a few photos so you can get a glimpse of what an amazing experience this was.