A Preview of Awarded Excursion Grants

 In Excursion Grant Program

Last week was the first week we started awarding Geballe Excursion Grants, and before we could even start our outreach to schools we received over 45 applications! Below are just a few of the exciting trips that will be taking place thanks to the program – stay tuned for more.

Point Reyes National Park – Bridges Academy, Oakland: 75 4th grade students from Bridges Academy were awarded an Excursion Grant to visit Point Reyes National Park. Ms. Pat Kaplan wrote:

The trip will begin with a ranger-led visit to and participation in hands-on activities at the recreated Native American Miwok village, Kule Loklo. Students will follow a teacher-led tour of the Nature Center, the Earthquake Walk, and the nature trail between Heart’s Desire Beach and Indian Beach. This nature trail is particularly outstanding for its markers describing Native American native plants.

Chabot Space and Science Center – Brisbane Elementary, Brisbane: Ms. Janine Lee, a 5th grade teacher, was awarded an Excursion Grant to take 30 students to the Chabot Space & Science Center’s Challenger Learning Center: Voyage to Mars.

This is an exciting adventure to jump start our 5th grade Rocketry program, serving as the “hook” that engages the students. Students will use various skills to serve as crew members on a simulated space mission – attempting to travel to, land on, and explore the Red Planet. They will solve real-life problems using math, scientific analysis, and technology to successfully complete their mission.

Ardenwood Farm – Brookfield Village Elementary, Oakland: 44 students from Brookfield Village Elementary in Oakland, CA will be going to the Ardenwood Farm thanks to a Geballe Excursion Grant awarded to Ms. Tammie Adams.

On this trip, students will be able to explore an actual working farm. Students will learn the chores that are needed to maintain a farm as well as learn about animals that live on a farm including taking care of them as well as feeding them.

Hidden Villa – Fair Oaks Community School, Redwood City: Mr. Bob Fletcher, from Fair Oaks Community School, was awarded a Geballe Excursion Grant to take 95 third grade students to Hidden Villa, which is an environmental education program that allows students to experience a garden, farm/animals, and a wilderness exploration/hike.

Our school is comprised primarily of English Language Learners of low socio-economic levels, and many of our students have never been outside of their urban environment. This trip provides an invaluable opportunity to provide real hands-on, kinesthetic and practical experiences, directly connected to grade-level standards, that foster deep and lasting learning.

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